
TO PRESENT itself to the citizens of this region as a well regulated, well trained, well equipped, and well educated militia.

TO ASSIST citizens and civil authorities in the event of a national disaster, civil defense or in the defense of self and state.

TO ESTABLISH a cohesive command structure able to instruct and to delegate tasks as needs arise.

TO TRAIN members in many disciplines necessary to the function of the militia as a whole and as members individually.

TO EDUCATE members in areas of history, law, and principles from knowledge imparted by this country's historical foundations.

TO INFORM its members of local, national, and global events that would imperil the Constitution and impact the direction of the country.

TO ENCOURAGE members to stand against tyranny, and any person, entity, or force which threatens to undermine our republic.

TO SEEK the protection, wisdom, and leadership of Almighty God as we submit to Him to do His will in protecting the liberty and freedom He has given to all Americans.

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